Frequently asked questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message

Delivery charges for orders vary and are calculated at checkout based on the shopper’s delivery address. We use a dynamic pricing system that takes into account factors such as the destination, package weight, shipping method, and any applicable promotions or discounts. This approach allows us to provide accurate and competitive delivery rates tailored to your specific order. To find out the exact delivery charges for your order, simply add the items to your cart, proceed to checkout, and enter your delivery address. The system will then calculate the precise cost for shipping based on your location and order details. If you have any further questions or need assistance with this process, please feel free to contact our customer support team, who will be happy to assist you.

Our website is highly secure thanks to the implementation of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology. This means that all data exchanged between your web browser and our web server is encrypted, making it extremely difficult for unauthorized parties to intercept or tamper with the information. We take the protection of your sensitive data, such as personal information and financial details, very seriously. Additionally, we regularly update our security measures to stay in line with industry best practices, ensuring that your online experience with us remains safe and secure. If you have any specific concerns or questions about our website’s security, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team for more information. Your privacy and security are our top priorities.


You have the option to utilize our express checkout without the need to create an account. However, we recommend creating an account for your convenience when you plan to return for future purchases. By setting up an account, you can streamline the ordering process, eliminating the need to enter your details each time you shop with us. You have the flexibility to either sign up before you start shopping or initiate the account setup during the checkout process—this choice is entirely yours. Just follow the straightforward on-screen instructions, and be sure to have your payment and address information readily available. It’s important to note that your billing address should match precisely with the address associated with your credit/debit card.